Since 2006, REGEN Forestry has offered a variety of services to crown land managing partners. We have diversified over the past 10 years to incorporate a wide range of silvicultural activities to assist Sustainable Forest Licensee’s (SFL) with achieving their goals. We provide the following services to crown and large land holders.

To inquire with regards to any of these services, please contact Brent Attwell R.P.F.

Pre-Commercial Thinning (PCT)

birch crop tree release

Increasing long term wood quality and reducing time to harvest.



Site planning, planting, auditing and survival assessments.

Regen and FTG surveys

Maple forest

Assisting with measuring your success levels at specific points in time.

Seed Orchard Maintenance

oak seedlings

Assisting with seed collection and maintenance.

Cut Block Layout

Sens site

Ensuring you are protecting wildlife AOC’s, waterways, etc.

Tree Marking

tree marking

Implementing the selection and uniform shelterwood systems to ensure long-term sustainability. Implementing the selection and uniform shelterwood systems to ensure long-term sustainability.